Happy Friday everyone. Annette here again. So yesterday I heard my first Christmas song being played on the radio, yes I really did I was not dreaming!
No way I hear you say, its only September but I kid you not Maria Carey could be heard loud and clear beating out her dulcet tones to all I want for Christmas is you. Now don't get me wrong I like a bit of Maria "who doesn't" but seriously is it too early? Some say "yes it is we haven't even had Halloween yet" but I do have one particular friend who I can hear saying "hell no never to early for Christmas songs" and she knows who she is. Ill just leave this here for her.
Anyway I was talking to my Son and I think he may have hit the nail on the head. People are so fed up of recent times with lockdown etc that most people are really looking forward Christmas this year.
Thoughts raced through my head of come on Annette its time to get your backside in gear & start planning what Christmas gifts your going to make & sell in your shop this year. Trying to think of some fresh new ideas.
There a pic of some I've done in the past, but id really like to do something "a little bit special" this year.
I shall keep you posted of any fresh new products very soon.
In the meantime keep on singing "All i want for Christmas is youuuu" I bet you'll be singing that all day now. :D
A xx
